Trouble and Meditation 2

 In the blog of trouble and Meditation, trouble can be reduced or eliminated by meditation, it was talked about how to do meditation in this part, how that process can be done, how it can be done, we will discuss it , Like I told you in the previous part that meditation is not a long and comprehensive process in which you have to sit for hours and do some work, it is not that. The real meaning of meditation is awareness, whatever work you do, no matter whether it is small or big  Such a work in which a person takes a lot of time, such a work in which he does not feel at all or such a work which he has to do but that person does not want to do that work, only one thing is needed while doing all this work.  That is the awaking state .

 Now what is this awaking state? Ever seen a child working, any work, his studies or his play, the work in which that child feels like to do, does that work better. But the work in which he does not feel like  Or he has to do, he just does it without paying attention, this is the thing in which he is doing some work by concentrating his attention, this is called the awakened state when he knows that he is doing it, that is said the awaking state .  All that a person has to do is to do whatever work he does with conscious attention. If you wake up, focus on it, that is the meditation, we do not know how many times in our life we ​​use the word meditation everyday. Hey listen  Do this work with a little attention, hey son, with a little attention. This means to say that meditation is always present in our life, it just needs attention.

 The next part of meditation in the next blog.

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