Trouble and Meditation 5


In this part of Trouble and Meditation 5 we will talk about the next type of meditation, So far we have talked about three different methods of meditation in Parts 2, 3 and 4 of Trouble and Meditation. In this part we will talk about the next type of meditation, first while doing all three types of meditation, make yourself feel focused, calm and blissful and then move on to this next process.

 Under this process, you sit somewhere or lie down, sit in that position as you feel, stand up, then repeat the process of meditation 4 (Trouble and Meditation 4) on yourself, after doing this whole process, calm down in the same way. Sit down and then imagine the people in your mind who have either hurt you or caused your trouble and then forgive them. Forgive with all your heart. Yes, even without apologizing to them. Do this for yourself, not for them. When we say we forgive you, we are reducing the infinite negativity inside us. When there is less negativity, there is a space for positivity and to fill that gap with positivity, you just have to feel the apology that you are giving to the others, forgiving from the heart. You forgive someone, If you can't, just leave it to nature, to God, to ishwar, to Allaha, whoever you believe, He will punish them for misbehaving with you. And just be relaxed, calm down and free yourself from all kinds of anger, negativity, anger and revenge and become blissful. This will make a positive difference in your life. The difference of happiness, the difference of positivity, life itself will be seen to be positive.

 That is the process number 5 of meditation. We will talk about the next type of meditation in the next section of trouble and meditation.

 If you find any benefit from these meditation procedures of  'trouble and meditation' , then do let us know by commenting .


Deal With Emotions (break-up) - 1

 In this part of Deal With Emotions, we will talk about how to ease the pain of a break-up.  Hope you have read my earlier post 'Deal wi...