Deal With Emotions (break-up) - 1

 In this part of Deal With Emotions, we will talk about how to ease the pain of a break-up.  Hope you have read my earlier post 'Deal with Emotions (Break-up)'.  Now we will talk about how that pain can be cured or reduced.  In this situation, the person feel like to cry ; So cry as much as you want.  Cry as loud as you can.  Scream and cry. Cry hard and when your whole heart is full or you are tired then tell to  yourself,

 "NO" 'that's enough no more crying.' 

 Then whatever is the name of your partner, write it on a paper and beat it with a sandal or shoes, take out all your anger on it, take out all your pain on it and then throw that piece of paper in the dustbin and  Throw your emotions with it too. 

I know thats sound ridiculous but trust me that's helps you alot..

 Meditate for 5 minutes.  How to do ?  (For that you can read my post Trouble and Meditation).

 Meditation will change the mind very quickly.

 Then you can go out with your friends.  Or do that work in which your heart can engaged, which will change your mind.  In 2-3 days you will start feeling better.

Please if it's helpful tell us in comment box...

Thank you

Deal with emotions ( break-up )

 Break-up is a very dangerous thing in itself, whoever has had a break-up, they know this very well, it is like a sudden tsunami in a populated area.  After that tsunami, what happens to that area, the same condition happens after the break-up of the heart or worse than that.  Everything that seemed good before, now seems bad, so bad , so  nasty that what to say.  Instead of beauty in flowers , gave the feel of thorns. The heart does feel like crying anywhere and it becomes icing on this when you cannot even tell the people around you what you are going through and it becomes necessary to smile in front of them . By talking to friends a little, burden is less, but it is not necessary that they should always be present.  Then what to do?  where to go? To whom do you talk?  How to deal with the pain of this break-up?

 do not be confused .  We are here for you.  We will tell how to reduce this pain and then end.... How to deal with break - up ?

 And yes you can also share your pain in the comment box.

 Follow us to know how to deal with the pain of your break-up.

something different (positive thought)


Whenever something comes in the house, anything new - new baby, new car, new wardrobe or new wife, we have to make some adjustments for it, to make a space for it.  Some things have to be shifted here and there in the house, one has to give a special place, we have to make a lot of adjustments.  When a new car arrives, it gives a lot of happiness.  The new baby also brings happiness in the house, the wardrobe also gets adjusted in the house, because we need it and if we talk about the new wife, then if she is our own then it can be adjusted, or rather it would have been adjusted.  But if !  She is brother's wife then, it is natural to have some problem in the adjustment.  And the wonderful thing is that the car, the wardrobe and the child all three have no idea of ​​their own, they just listen to you and do not tell their feels at all.  But when it comes to the daughter-in-law, she has her own thoughts as well as her own feelings.  He has questions and have some answers too.  She has new thoughts and different feeling too, and she needs a place not only in the house, but in everyone's hearts too.

 It's a bit different but think.

Trouble and Meditation 5


In this part of Trouble and Meditation 5 we will talk about the next type of meditation, So far we have talked about three different methods of meditation in Parts 2, 3 and 4 of Trouble and Meditation. In this part we will talk about the next type of meditation, first while doing all three types of meditation, make yourself feel focused, calm and blissful and then move on to this next process.

 Under this process, you sit somewhere or lie down, sit in that position as you feel, stand up, then repeat the process of meditation 4 (Trouble and Meditation 4) on yourself, after doing this whole process, calm down in the same way. Sit down and then imagine the people in your mind who have either hurt you or caused your trouble and then forgive them. Forgive with all your heart. Yes, even without apologizing to them. Do this for yourself, not for them. When we say we forgive you, we are reducing the infinite negativity inside us. When there is less negativity, there is a space for positivity and to fill that gap with positivity, you just have to feel the apology that you are giving to the others, forgiving from the heart. You forgive someone, If you can't, just leave it to nature, to God, to ishwar, to Allaha, whoever you believe, He will punish them for misbehaving with you. And just be relaxed, calm down and free yourself from all kinds of anger, negativity, anger and revenge and become blissful. This will make a positive difference in your life. The difference of happiness, the difference of positivity, life itself will be seen to be positive.

 That is the process number 5 of meditation. We will talk about the next type of meditation in the next section of trouble and meditation.

 If you find any benefit from these meditation procedures of  'trouble and meditation' , then do let us know by commenting .

My 2 question about soul and sex

 I have two questions about soul and sex

Question 1: If the pleasure of the senses is only bodily pleasure, then how did Adi Shankaracharya enter the body of someone else and get the experience of his soul?

The second question is that ,- if the Kamasutra also has its own importance, then what is the need for celibacy? 

Om chanting

 Om is the word of whole.. Om is the word who provide you the peace of mind..  

So play it and feel that peace.... Meditate with on chanting...


Two questions on Adi Shankaracharya's debate on Kamasutra

Hinduism has talked about the four ashrams of life in which Brahmacharya ashram, Grihastha ashram, Vanprastha ashram and finally Sanyas ashram have been talked about, this is the stage by which every person should adopt in his life. Brahmachari Ashram From the time a child is born and till his youthful age, one should follow celibacy. After the youthful stage a person enters the Grihastha Ashram, after the Grihastha Ashram the person goes to the Vanprastha Ashram and then lives his life by taking the last Ashram Sanyas.

Brahmacharya has been given a lot of importance in Hinduism, he who is a sanyasi will be celibate, only a sage is a sage, a wise man, he will also follow celibacy, there is such a belief, but in spirituality these four ashrams have their own importance, to live in these four ashrams. But only salvation can be attained.

But the question is that the sage who followed only celibacy and spent his whole life in celibacy, did not enter the householder's ashram, then how did he attain salvation. almost mandatory. I remember that I read in a book that Adi Shankaracharya was a very knowledgeable male scholar, he was the founder of Advaita Vedanta, he was a great scholar of his time, it was almost impossible to defeat him in debate on any subject. All the great scholars were defeated. In the same series, he challenged Mandan Mishra, an ardent pundit, for debate, and Mandan Mishra's wife, a scholar herself, interceded on the condition that whoever lost would become a disciple of the other for several days. Mandan Mishra was defeated in the debate, when Shankaracharya asked him to take sannyasa and become his disciple, then his wife Ubhaya Bharati challenged Shankaracharya to debate because according to weapons, the wife is a half-wife, then Shankaracharya accepted the challenge. The debate between the two continued for 14 days. When Bharati felt that she could not defeat Shankaracharya in any subject, she asked questions about the Kamasutra, but if Shankaracharya was a sanyasi, it was not appropriate to ask him questions on this subject. Mundan Mishra himself objected to this, but Ubhaya Bharati's argument was that this is also a topic, a scripture that would be appropriate to discuss. Asked for a month's time and left from there, he was only thinking what to do, how to take the knowledge of Kamasutra while saving his celibacy. Right now he was absorbed in this idea that only then he found the body of King Amaruk. The thought came to his mind and he left his body with his yoga power (Parkaya Pravesh) and entered the king's body, surrendering his body to his disciple, went to the king's palace. For a month in the king's palace. Knowing the secret of Kama Sutra by staying with the queen. After one month he left the body of the king and after re-assembling his body, he reached to answer Ubhaya Bharati's question, he answered all the questions of Bharti correctly. Adi Shankaracharya's goal was not to defeat anyone, but to take Vedic philosophy to every corner. For the purpose he started a journey Digvijay Yatra The purpose of this journey was to spread the propagation of Vedic Dharma Shastra.

In this incident, I have some questions, if anyone has the answer to them, then definitely write -

Question 1: If the pleasure of the senses is only bodily pleasure, then how did Adi Shankaracharya enter the body of someone else and get the experience of his soul?

The second question is that ,- if the Kamasutra also has its own importance, then what is the need for celibacy?

trouble and meditation 4


Trouble and meditation 4, In this part of meditation we will talk about the next type of meditation so far we have talked about two types or methods of meditation. Hope you must have taken advantage of that. In this part of meditation we improves our  inner energy, and our consciousness. this is very beneficial for students by this they can improve their concentration. This helps to improve positive energy also.

To do this process of meditation, first open this video of meditation music and then sit or alie down as we like. Close both your eyes and take a deep breath.  And leave, take a deep breath again and you can do this process of meditation for as long as you want, close your eyes and feel your breath going in and then feel the breath going out.  Do this every time you take a breath inward and exhale, feel it repeat this process for 2 minutes and then feel you inhale positive energy, positivity, mental peace, wellness, physical health  and Feel you exhale all the troubles, negative, weaknesses and all the problems of your life.. feel all the problems coming out with your breath and all to he good things and happiness going in with your every breath. Keep your mind calm, let the thoughts come in your mind, don't try to stop them, let them go on.  Keep your focus on your breath and feel a flow of energy within you and in the same way feel all the negativity, weakness, weakness coming out with the breath. While doing this process, keep your mind calm, keep the body relaxed and remain absorbed in this meditation process for as long as you want.

 This is the third process of meditation

 Next part of meditation in next blog of trouble and meditation..


Deal With Emotions (break-up) - 1

 In this part of Deal With Emotions, we will talk about how to ease the pain of a break-up.  Hope you have read my earlier post 'Deal wi...